Wild Writing, finding wonder and deep connection with other creative women.

Are you longing to remember your aliveness?
Do you sometimes feel that your life is a blur of busyness and obligation? Do you get to the end of the week, but you’re not sure how you got there?
What would it be like to feel connected to yourself again? To feel an aliveness, a pulse and a pull, and to become aware of the beauty and magic that is always around you?
By opening up our own creative channel, life is more vibrant and juicy. And that’s where our joy lives.

Ready to have a delicious and soulful adventure?

“My heart feels sparked and alive again.”
The Wild Wonder retreat was an astonishingly beautiful gift I gave myself without realizing how much I needed it. My voice feels clear and found after a long time of being stifled. I am so grateful for the wonder and the writing, but mostly for the gift of the women witnessing one another in such safe, profound ways.”
Kelly Rae Roberts, artist + writer
Here are some of the practices we believe in:

Practice 1:
Wild Writing
Wild Writing is a path and a practice.
Starting with a poem and a jump-off line, we’ll keep the pen moving for 10-15 minutes, never letting it leave the page. By writing without stopping, we’ll push past our inner critic, letting go of our ideas about good and bad writing, so we can get a lot of ink on the page. If we’re lucky we may stumble into the fertile imagination that lingers within us, conjuring stories and memories that are waiting to be written.
After we write, we read our work aloud. We don’t critique, we just witness each other. We do this several times within the session. This technique, while very therapeutic, is also a wonderful way to jumpstart any writing project because it helps you get to the chewy nougat of what you are trying to say.
Wild Writing is intimate and powerful work. You don’t need to be a writer to join us, just someone who wants to share stories on the page.

Practice 2:
Seeking wonder
What if living a life full of joy was about being present to what is already here, right under our nose? What if we brought that kind of awareness – that the world is full of color, delight, beauty and magic – even inside the messiness of a life?
Andrea’s Wonder Seeker work is all about cultivating this sense of reverence for life – seeing the world through a lens of awe so that we don’t let all of the goodness pass us by.
Creativity will be the doorway this week. Through photography, making art with our hands, and delighting in the beauty of where we’ve traveled, we will be reminded to stay awake to wonder + make a habit of finding it.

Practice 3:
Adventuring to new places
Traveling wakes us up. We get out of our habitual routines, step out of our usual obligations, and get to see life through fresh eyes. The novelty of a new landscape – with all of the unfamiliar smells, sounds, colors and tastes – changes us.
We love gathering women + watching them transform. These retreats have the power to deepen, enrich and enliven you so that you remember your essential self. Your most vibrant self. You remember who you are again. It’s a beautiful reset.

Practice 4:
Sharing in community
This might be the juiciest part of the retreat! The women we gather are amazing, truly. Every single time, the perfect constellation of women gather and there are deep & magical connections available to everyone.
The intimacy of the writing, the way we hold the space with love, the joy and delight we take in curating your experience – they all add up to a delicious time with others.
Meet Laurie
I’m a writing teacher, author and facilitator.
Laurie Wagner has been publishing books and essays, and teaching writing for the last 25 years. She is a process guru and has a genius for holding space, helping people unzip what’s inside of them, and get ink on the page.
A creative brain-stormer, she specializes in out of the box ways to tell your stories. Her Wild Writing classes are the cornerstone of her live work. She teaches weekly, small groups, and also hosts The Wild Family, a large group of writers from around the world who write together weekly. She is the author of Living Happily Ever After: Couples Talk about Long Term Love, and Expectations: 30 Women Talk about Becoming a Mother.

Meet Andrea
I’m an author, artist and coach based in the Bay Area.
Andrea Scher, CPCC is an author, artist and life coach whose work is driven by her belief in the transformative power of creativity for joy and wellbeing. For nearly two decades, through her award-winning blog Superhero Journal, her Creative Superheroes podcast, and her bestselling e-courses, Andrea has thrilled others with their own power to find magic all around them.
Andrea has led thousands of women through her signature course Mondo Beyondo as well as dozens of other courses over the past 15 years.
Her new book, Wonder Seeker: 52 Ways to Wake up Your Creativity and Find Your Joy (HarperCollins) straddles the world of creativity and mindfulness – playfully inspiring readers to live more vibrant lives full of presence, joy and connection.